My final design accomplished the goal of this assignment by creating movement according to me. The goal was to make movement with lines and to me this piece of art represents movement very well by the different types of lines, some look like there moving and others look completely still. Then others look cut up and others you can barley see. To me movement doesn’t have to be extremely confusing, it could be as simple a straight line with a squially end, so that’s why I think my piece of art represents movement because its not just a line its many lines that are each different in different ways.

My third piece of art was much different then my other ideas. This idea was a grid and every other square would be colored in and go light to dark to light, I had gotten this idea from looking at Mr. Mesereves shirt. It was checkered and every time I looked at it I got dizzy and I thought it would be a great representation of movement. But when I started I didn’t realize that there were so many squares to fill in and that I wasn’t really using lines just colors. So then I expanded on the idea of lines horizontally and I thought that I would be cool to make different depths of lines, with different thicknesses and designs. That is how my final draft was made.  

My second design was a complete circle with the individual lines that went from dark to light which was also smaller to larger lines. With this new technique I made shapes such as a triangle, and circle but still creating the look of “twisting”. Also this new draft was not all equally spaced but same length, but I completed the full rotation and this made all of the lines over lap or intersects. It also created half a sphere with bottom part of the lines, that where shorter than the other end because of the way I drew the line. This draft is better then my first one because it was much neater and more entertaining to look at. Also it made your mind think more to find the beginning point of all the lines, but to find it, is pretty much impossible because it is cover up by the dark lines (my first line was the lightest line).

I came up with this sketch by seeing it before in math class, with all of the straight lines that were the same length put next to each other and repeated over and over again started to look like a twisting or turning was happening when the lines where intersecting. I was trying to accomplish the look of moving and spinning with straight lines. I plan to improve this rough sketch by spacing the lines more equally and making the lines go from dark to light to make the look of fading which will make it look like it getting smaller to bigger. Also I will make all the lines more the same length to make the curve of the lines smoother and less choppy, this will make the piece of art more mind tricking.


The assignment was to draw lines that to you represented movement, or a form of movement. The goal was to make a creative piece of art but only using lines to creating movement, this could happen by literally making movement or just tricking the human eye. I am going to accomplish these goals by putting many straight and same length lines next to each other and slightly moving them to the left to look like there is curving in the middle but they are really not, it is just a trick. I will use a ruler to make completely straight lines, without this the trick would not work.