I was looking around my room and then i found the poem hanging on my wall " slow dance" and the poem is very close to my heart because a teenage girl dying of cancer wrote it and when i had cancer when i was 8, my brother gave me the poem to teach me about what life is really about. The poem really made me look back at my life and made me be so grateful for everyone and taught me that i need to be more greatful for the little things. I thought of the shape of a butterfly because its mentioned a few times in the poem and there beautiful and so fascinating but most people just ignore them because they are so small. I am trying to make people slow down, and take a break of there crazy life and be thankful that they have food on there table or thankful that they have a loving family who is there for them no matter what. People now a days don't realize how lucky they are to have the things in there life. This first sketch i plan to improve it by making the letters fit better.

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