This design completes my assignment because i illustrated an abstract piece of art from my opinion on what the song looked like to me. I really liked how it turned out because it very colorful and the background is like tie-dye and also a speaker and i person like it a lot. This painting is successful and pretty and its a painting i am very proud of. This was a good final project i enjoyed it very much.
I came up with this sketch by listing to the song "loud" over and over again. In my mind the song reminded me of a stereo, the middle part with the little circle and the big circle so i figured that would be my back ground and the i would draw a thin line of zigzag lines to create a circle. I plan to improve tho sketch by adding color and making the lines different thickness. and Im going plan what exact colors i want. I am very excited to create this piece because I'm not the most creative person so this will be a fun  experience to really have to open my mind. 
The assignment was to create and abstract piece of art from listening to a song. At first Mr. Meserev played a few didn't genres of music and we got water colors and we would have the amount of time the music lasted to complete it.  You would use warm colors if the song was warm and you would use cold colors if the song was cold. Using the colors to capture the feeling and beats of the song was very hard to do. The assignment was to chose a song that we liked and we could create an abstract piece of art, we wouldn't have to complete it in such a short time we would have a few days. I am going to go through my ipod and find a song that has a good beat and I enjoy listing to.
I am very proud of this painting because I am not much of a painter and I think this turned out pretty good, the dots where very fun to use. Using them in the way to create shadows and show where the sun was hitting was very fun and I liked having to really think about the placement to make sense. This painting is full of color and I love it, most of his paintings are one color in different shades but the many colors made it my own. I really believe this looks like on of Eyvind's pieces of art. For once I am proud of a painting and i do think i completed this assignment.
I came up with this sketch by looking at Eyvind Earle's paintings and taking little and big things from them and combining them together to create my own piece. I really liked his tree pieces so i did that and i liked his bushes. I was trying to accomplish the same look as Eyvind, and i think i accomplished it. I think i did and i like my rough draft. I plan to start figuring out the colors I'm gonna use and try 

I was looking around my room and then i found the poem hanging on my wall " slow dance" and the poem is very close to my heart because a teenage girl dying of cancer wrote it and when i had cancer when i was 8, my brother gave me the poem to teach me about what life is really about. The poem really made me look back at my life and made me be so grateful for everyone and taught me that i need to be more greatful for the little things. I thought of the shape of a butterfly because its mentioned a few times in the poem and there beautiful and so fascinating but most people just ignore them because they are so small. I am trying to make people slow down, and take a break of there crazy life and be thankful that they have food on there table or thankful that they have a loving family who is there for them no matter what. People now a days don't realize how lucky they are to have the things in there life. This first sketch i plan to improve it by making the letters fit better.
In beginning art we found one of Eyvind Earle's senaries that we liked the best and then we would have to paint it exactly  as the picture. Now in art and design we had to create another piece like his but its from are own imagination but his style. My favorite things in his paintings where his large body of trees and bushes. My Eyvind Earle piece is going to be a very simple back ground with a large body of trees in the middle and then a few bushes in the front with a simple ground. The thing I love about his paintings was that they looked so blended and even but really most of the splashes of color where tiny designs made into bigger things, i love the little details he puts into his work and I'm excited to create a piece like his.
These final stamps have completed the goals by being creative and original. Each one is different and the colors give off different feelings which makes each stamp its own. I know i have completed the assignment because i have followed the rules and guidelines but also i have added my own personal story which makes it my own. I am very proud of each and everyone of these stamps because in my eyes they are pure beauty and show what life is really about. 
I made the words fit better in the shape of a butterfly, and i think it looks great, i really like how it is turning out. This new design is much different then the first but its less rough and more smooth lines and to me it is beautiful. I believe there isn't much to improve on this sketch except the middle of it because it is cursive and I'm not sure if it will show up very well in the printing process because the letters are so thin and small but i do not want to change it because i like the way it flows and looks.
The assignment was to create a picture that is formed of words. The words could be anything you wanted: lyrics, a poem, a name...pretty much anything. Then we form the words into a picture, the picture should represent the word or phrase you chose. The goals are to make the picture creative and original. Im going to accomplish these goals by finding a song or poem that means a lot to me and then hopefully a picture of the words will come to me. I will go through my iPod and look around my